Comparative study of infant mortality in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and its mesoregions
Infant Deaths, Information Systems, Analysis of Principal ComponentsAbstract
The number of child deaths has been decreasing over the years, in the world, in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Sul. The intuition of this article is to identify the scenario of infant mortality in Rio Grande do Sul, verifying if it is reflected in its mesoregions. For this, descriptive statistics, correlation with Spearmam test and principal components techniques were performed. The results obtained in the descriptive analysis revealed that in general Rio Grande do Sul and its mesoregions behave the same way, the correlations were high among the variables, except with the variable, proportion of women who attended less than 7 prenatal consultations. Principal component analysis also showed that the mesoregion and state variables are explained by two components. Thus, it is concluded that in fact the scenario of infant mortality is reflected in its mesoregions.
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