Modeling for liming and fertilization recommendation for the main grain producing regions of Brazil in the SQL language


  • Henrique Alfonso Priebe Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, RS.
  • Robert Rafael Araujo Oliveira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, RS.
  • Adriano Rodrigues Luz Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, RS.
  • Eduardo Silveira Dornelles Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, RS.
  • Gustavo Alves da Silva Bezerra Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, RS.
  • Diones Vargas Dutra Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, RS.
  • Vinícius Maran Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, RS.
  • Paulo Ademar Avelar Ferreira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, RS.



Conceptual Modeling, SQL, Recommendation


The agribusiness has a significant importance to the Brazilian economy. In this case, technologies are needed to increase the efficiency of the productive system, but there are few technological tools that perform interpretations of soil analysis and fertilizer recommendations efficiently and comprehensively. In this context, the AgroFert system proposes to make corrective and fertilizer recommendations based on soil analyzes for several regions and grain crops of Brazil, through two systems: web and mobile, which uses a knowledge base in liming and fertilization. Therefore, this work aims at presenting the conceptual and logical modeling process of a database that have rules of information management to interpret the results of soil analysis reports and to recommend soil correctives and fertilizers. Rules were created that use comparisons, filtering, mathematical operations and logical operations, modeled in the SQL language, and when executed, generate interpretations of soil analysis and recommendations for correctives and fertilizers. The AgroFert covers the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Minas Gerais and São Paulo and the biome of Cerrado. In addition to the conceptual modeling, 22 operations were created, totaling approximately 400 lines of code, and it was possible to recommend fertilizers for 13 grain crops. The results of the tests showed that the computerization of the data present in the RS / SC and Paraná manuals facilitated the interpretation of the data present in soil analysis reports, besides increasing the precision and agility in the recommendations of corrective and fertilizer producers.


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How to Cite

Priebe, H. A., Oliveira, R. R. A., Luz, A. R., Dornelles, E. S., Bezerra, G. A. da S., Dutra, D. V., Maran, V., & Ferreira, P. A. A. (2019). Modeling for liming and fertilization recommendation for the main grain producing regions of Brazil in the SQL language. Ciência E Natura, 40, 131–139.

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