Possible pathways: innovations on the study of architecture projects in an academic work





Booklet-fanzine, Collective creation, Broadcast platform


This article deals with a collective work carried out by the students of the subject "Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism V" of the Course of Architecture and Urbanism of UFSM Campus Cachoeira do Sul. From the analysis of six school buildings, the synthesis of these case studies in an innovative way in a booklet-fanzine that, in addition to seeking dialogue with the entire academic community promoting discussions among students, teachers and administrative technicians, sought the training of reflexive and autonomous students with the capacity to develop higher cognitive processes ranging from analysis to creation.



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How to Cite

Speth, G., & Brito, S. S. de. (2019). Possible pathways: innovations on the study of architecture projects in an academic work. Ciência E Natura, 40, 111–118. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X35508

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