Larvicidal activity of aqueous extracts of Ilex paraguariensis and Ilex theezans on Aedes aegypti (L.)
Yerba mate, Yerba caúna, Natural products, Larval susceptibilityAbstract
Aedes aegypti is the main vector of Dengue, Yellow Urban Fever, Chikungunya fever and Zika virus fever. The strategies for its control include synthetic products that cause damage to the environment and other organisms. This study evaluated the larvicidal activity of aqueous extracts of leaves and fruits of Ilex paraguariensis and Ilex theezans on Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. The bioassays were conducted at the Ecological Entomology Laboratory, Unochapecó, under controlled conditions of temperature and photoperiod. The extracts of fresh and dried leaves of I. theezans showed greater larvicidal activity when compared to extracts of fruits of the same plant. Variation in larvicidal activity was also observed during exposure periods. The results suggest the use of extracts of these plants in the control of A. aegypti and the prospection of substances that can be used as an alternative to synthetic products. They point to the possibility of using yerba mate tissues that are not used commercially.
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