Spatial analysis of winds at the Alcântara Launching Center, Maranhão
Anemometric tower, surface boundarylayer, ECMWF ERA5Abstract
The wind at the Alcântara Launch Center (ALC), which presents as main characteristics an oceanic behavior, influenced by the trade winds and the sea breeze, and modified by the ocean-continent interface and local topography. Therefore, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the site flow, highlighting the influence of the surface boundary layer and the validity of the surface flow homogeneity. In this study will be used the data of two anemometric towers installed in the ALC to evaluate spatial differences in the characteristics of the average wind and its daily cycle. For comparison, data from the ERA5 reanalysis, the fifth generation created by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The results show that the anemometric towers present, on average, similar characteristics and that the data from the reanalysis can be used for studies of mesoscale atmospheric phenomena that occur on the surface.Downloads
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