Análise e previsão da série recebimento e produção de leite da usina escola de laticínios da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS
Milk, Forecast, Planing in short time, Regression AnalysisAbstract
The world globalization bring to the market and to thebusiness class a great phase of adaptation and search for new
technologies to guaranty the quality of its products. The statistics is
a useful tool to help to maintain the quality in a process or service.
This way is possible to reduce costs and maintain the clients satisfied.
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the milk received and the milk processed in the Usina de Laticínios de Santa Maria to forecast the next value. The data were daily collected since may/2002 till jul/2002 in a total of 83 observations, and were analyzed using the dynamic regression analysis. The results obtained was possible to forecast and better plan the production of milk received to be processed. That way the manager can accept or reject a new orders and can make a new strategies to avoid difficulties in a short term.
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