
  • Ludmila Noskoski Salazar Assistant Professor I Veterinary Medicine Department. Center for Health and Agrarian Sciences (CCSA) - Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ) Municipal Highway Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - Post Box, 838. ZIP 98.005-972 - Cruz Alta/RS
  • Ana Beatriz Benevides de Freitas Resident in Preventive Medicine, Mycotoxicological Analysis and Avian Pathology. Multiprofessional Residency Program Integrated in the Public Health Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM Av. Roraima, 1000 Camobi, ZIP 97105900 Santa Maria / RS
  • Mariela Valerio da Luz Undergraduate of Veterinary Medicine Course. Center for Health and Agrarian Sciences (CCSA). University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ) Municipal Highway Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - Post Box, 838. ZIP 98.005-972 - Cruz Alta/RS
  • Patrícia Bersch Lecturer I Civil Engineering. Center for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS). Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ)
  • Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos Salazar Full Professor Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Center for Health and Agrarian Sciences (CCSA) - Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ) Municipal Highway Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - Post Box, 838. ZIP 98.005-972 - Cruz Alta/RS



Food inspection, Quality control, Food safety


Honey is a food of high nutritional value and therapeutic properties; however, it may present different non-conformities due to poor processing or fraud. Therefore, the honey production chain requires strict quality control and inspection. Accordingly, the physicochemical quality of honey from different agribusinesses in Rio Grande do Sul State was herein assessed. The sample consisted of 12 honey types from 12 different cooperatives and manufacturers. Honey acidity (mEq kg-1), Ash (%m/m), Dyes (qualitative), pH, Fiehe reaction (qualitative), Lugol reaction (qualitative), Lund reaction (mL) and humidity (%m/v) were found. The standard protocols set by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) were used for analytical purposes. The samples presented moisture content, ash, pH, acidity and Lund's reaction of approximately 18.88 ± 5.5 %m/v, 0.040 ± 0.014 %m/m, 4.23 ± 0.19; 25.28 ± 8.95 mEq kg-1 and 1.92 ± 0.60 mL, respectively. They presented negative results in the dye detection test, and in the Lugol and Fiehe reactions. Furthermore, the food safety of the assessed honey types was checked and the results showed that good manufacturing practices affect the beekeepers in the cooperatives and production plants involved in the final commercial honey production, regardless of the inspection stamp


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Author Biographies

Ludmila Noskoski Salazar, Assistant Professor I Veterinary Medicine Department. Center for Health and Agrarian Sciences (CCSA) - Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ) Municipal Highway Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - Post Box, 838. ZIP 98.005-972 - Cruz Alta/RS

I have a Undergraduate Degree in Veterinary Medicine from Passo Fundo University (2003). Master of Science in Animal Science from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2006). PhD in Food Engineering by Integrated Regional University of Upper Uruguay and the Missions (URI/Erechim) (2016). She is Assistant Professor I at Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ) (Current 2010).

Ana Beatriz Benevides de Freitas, Resident in Preventive Medicine, Mycotoxicological Analysis and Avian Pathology. Multiprofessional Residency Program Integrated in the Public Health Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM Av. Roraima, 1000 Camobi, ZIP 97105900 Santa Maria / RS

Undergraduate Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Cruz Alta - UNICRUZ (2016). Currently, I am resident in Preventive Medicine, Mycotoxicology and Avian Pathology linked to the Multiprofessional Residency Program Integrated in the Public Health System of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)

Mariela Valerio da Luz, Undergraduate of Veterinary Medicine Course. Center for Health and Agrarian Sciences (CCSA). University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ) Municipal Highway Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - Post Box, 838. ZIP 98.005-972 - Cruz Alta/RS

I have technical vocational training in Agricultural Technician by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (2011). I am currently a undergraduate  in Veterinary Medicine from Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ)

Patrícia Bersch, Lecturer I Civil Engineering. Center for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS). Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ)

Master in Chemistry (UFPel, 2013). Undergraduate Degree in Chemistry Bachelor (UNICRUZ, 2009). I am currently Lecturer I at Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ).

Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos Salazar, Full Professor Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Center for Health and Agrarian Sciences (CCSA) - Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ) Municipal Highway Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - Post Box, 838. ZIP 98.005-972 - Cruz Alta/RS

I have Undergraduate Degree in Biochemical Engineering on Engineering School of Lorena at São Paulo University (EEL-USP) in 2006. M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering in the São Paulo University (USP) (2009). Ph.D in Analytical Chemistry at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) (2013). Has experience in Chemistry, focusing on Analytical Chemistry, acting on the following subjects: analytical spectrometry and effluent treatment. I was Assistant Professor of Chemistry at State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS) (2011 - 2013). I was professor and researcher at the Center for Science and Technologies of Franciscan University (2013 - 2016). Currently I am professor and researcher at Cruz Alta University (2016 - current). I work in the development of techniques and procedures for treatment and characterization of agroindustrial and hospital wastewater. I am interested do research in Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry subjects and do classes also in the same subjects


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