Characterization of the Medium-Density Fiberboard Obtained Through Acid Digestion to Produce Bio-Oil and Carbon Black


  • Matheus Severo Schalenberger Undergraduate student in Chemical Engineering Science and Technology, Franciscan University (UFn - Universidade Franciscana). Silva Jardim St, 1323. Santa Maria County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 97010-491
  • Evandro Stoffels Mallmann Adjunct I Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria). Av. Roraima nº 1000. Cidade Universitária. Santa Maria County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 97105-900
  • Hélcio José Izário Filho Associate Professor Chemical Engineering Department - LOT, Lorena Engineering School (EEL - Escola de Engenharia de Lorena), University of São Paulo - USP. Area I - Campinho Municipal Road, s/nº Lorena County - SP, Brazil ZIP: 12.602-810
  • Joana Bratz Lourenço Assistant I Professor Chemical Engineering - Science and Technology, Franciscan University (UFn - Universidade Franciscana). Silva Jardim St, 1323. Santa Maria County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 97010-491
  • Ritielli Berticelli Assistant I Professor Environmental and Sanitary Engineering – Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ - Universidade de Cruz Alta) Rodovia Municipal Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - P.B. 838 Cruz Alta County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 98.005-972 Cruz Alta County – RS, Brazil
  • Germano Possani Adjunct I Professor Chemical Engineering - Science and Technology, Franciscan University (UFn - Universidade Franciscana). Silva Jardim St, 1323. Santa Maria County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 97010-491
  • Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos Salazar Full Professor - Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Comprehensive Health Care (PPGAIS - Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Atenção Integral à Saúde) - UNICRUZ/UNIJUI, Universidade de Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ). Rodovia Municipal Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - P.B. 838 Cruz Alta County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 98.005-972



Biomass, MDF, Solid Waste


Solid wastes from furniture industries require proper disposal and may have potential to be used in other production chains. The aim of the current study is to assess the use of medium density fiberboard (MDF) to produce bio-oil and carbon black with low emission of toxic elements. A full factorial design was used to assess 27 bio-oil preparation procedures based on the acid digestion of MDF shavings. The influence of three concentrated acid types (HNO 3 , H 2 SO 4 and HCl) at three different temperatures (25, 75 and 150 ° C) and digestion times (30, 60 and 90min) was assessed. The contents of Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb were determined through ICP OES.The Al and Ba contents oscillated between 442.2 ± 235.9 mg kg -1 and 17.9 ± 8.6 mg kg -1 , respectively. The Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb contents were below the detection limit set by the technique. The tests showed that the studied material has the potential to be used as bio-oil and carbon black with low emission of metallic elements; Thus, it was considered a potential alternative source of biomass-generated energy and, in parallel, it provides the furniture sector with an additional waste management option


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Author Biographies

Matheus Severo Schalenberger, Undergraduate student in Chemical Engineering Science and Technology, Franciscan University (UFn - Universidade Franciscana). Silva Jardim St, 1323. Santa Maria County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 97010-491

I am currently a student in Chemical Engineering at the Franciscan University. I am a FAPERGS PROBITI Fellow. I have experience in pre-treatment and characterization of biomass. Notions in physicochemical characterization of metallurgical effluent

Evandro Stoffels Mallmann, Adjunct I Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria). Av. Roraima nº 1000. Cidade Universitária. Santa Maria County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 97105-900

I have a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM (2007). I have a Masters and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP. I am currently associate professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria

Hélcio José Izário Filho, Associate Professor Chemical Engineering Department - LOT, Lorena Engineering School (EEL - Escola de Engenharia de Lorena), University of São Paulo - USP. Area I - Campinho Municipal Road, s/nº Lorena County - SP, Brazil ZIP: 12.602-810

I have a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Lorraine (1985), Masters in Materials Engineering from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Lorraine (1993) and Ph.D. in Chemistry from the State University of Campinas ( 1999). I am currently a professor at the Lorena School of Engineering - EEL / USP, with Research Productivity PQ-2

Joana Bratz Lourenço, Assistant I Professor Chemical Engineering - Science and Technology, Franciscan University (UFn - Universidade Franciscana). Silva Jardim St, 1323. Santa Maria County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 97010-491

I have a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2010) and a Masters in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2012). I am a professor at the Franciscan University (Unifra), in the city of Santa Maria, and a Ph.D. student at the Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Areas of activity: biomass, energy, unit operations, chemical engineering, teaching

Ritielli Berticelli, Assistant I Professor Environmental and Sanitary Engineering – Cruz Alta University (UNICRUZ - Universidade de Cruz Alta) Rodovia Municipal Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - P.B. 838 Cruz Alta County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 98.005-972 Cruz Alta County – RS, Brazil

I am an Environmental Engineer graduated from the University of Passo Fundo (UPF, 2014). Specialist in Labor Security Engineer at Southern University (IMED, 2016). Master in Civil and Environmental Engineering from UPF (2016). I am currently a professor at Cruz Alta University. Ph.D. student in the Post-Graduate Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Area of Concentration in Infrastructure and Environment) by UPF

Germano Possani, Adjunct I Professor Chemical Engineering - Science and Technology, Franciscan University (UFn - Universidade Franciscana). Silva Jardim St, 1323. Santa Maria County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 97010-491

I have a degree (2008) in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria, a master's degree (2011) and a doctorate (2015) from the State University of Campinas. Part of my Ph.D. was held at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute - United States (2014). I am currently coordinator of the course of Chemical Engineering at the Franciscan University. I work mainly in the following areas: Process modeling and simulation, Separation processes, Membrane reactors, Membranes composed of palladium

Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos Salazar, Full Professor - Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Comprehensive Health Care (PPGAIS - Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Atenção Integral à Saúde) - UNICRUZ/UNIJUI, Universidade de Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ). Rodovia Municipal Jacob Della Méa, km 5.6 - Parada Benito - P.B. 838 Cruz Alta County - RS, Brazil ZIP: 98.005-972

Graduated in Biochemical Engineering on Engineering School of Lorena at São Paulo University (EEL-USP) in 2006. M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering at the São Paulo University (USP) (2009). Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) (2013). Has experience in Chemistry, focusing on Analytical Chemistry, acting on the following subjects: analytical spectrometry and effluent treatment. I was Assistant Professor of Chemistry at State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS) (2011 - 2013). I was professor and researcher at the Center for Science and Technologies of Franciscan University (2013 - 2016). Currently I am professor and researcher at Cruz Alta University (2016 - current).I work on the development of techniques and procedures for treatment and characterization of agroindustrial and hospital wastewater.


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How to Cite

Schalenberger, M. S., Mallmann, E. S., Izário Filho, H. J., Lourenço, J. B., Berticelli, R., Possani, G., & Salazar, R. F. dos S. (2017). Characterization of the Medium-Density Fiberboard Obtained Through Acid Digestion to Produce Bio-Oil and Carbon Black. Ciência E Natura, 39(3), 643–655.




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