Geoprocessing, Environmental legislation, Permanent preservation areas.Abstract
This study aimed to carry out the rural environmental registration and benchmarking between Law No. 4771 of October 15, 1965 (old Forest Code) and Law No. 12651 of May 25, 2012 (current Forest Code). The study area constitutes a property, located in the north of the Rio Grande do Sul state, ith an area of 49.77 hectares, representing 2.48 tax modules. Identified were 14 classes of use and land cover, which were divided into two classes, the anthropic use and natural use. Use areas were found restricted in springs, river banks and plated for the two laws. Areas edge plated found to the old forestry code and areas of restricted use for the current forest code. The use of data crossing and land cover and PPAs showed some flexibility in relation to the current forest code which extinguishes 7.11 hectares in PPAs, 14.22% of the total area. In the property 3.91 hectares belonged to areas of anthropic use and 3.17 hectares of natural areas use. The application of the transitional rules and new concepts covered by Law No. 12,651/12 may contribute to this effect.Downloads
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