Geotechnologies for the assessment of environmental conflicts in the Vacacaí-Mirim river sub-basin
Forests, Riparian forest, Geoprocessing, Remote SensingAbstract
The degradation of forests is a process that has intensified over time due to human activities such as agricultural expansion, livestock and urbanization, causing numerous damages to ecosystems and, consequently, to human beings. Spatial analysis, through the use of geotechnologies, allows monitoring and obtaining information about natural and man-made phenomena that occur on the Earth's surface, with low cost and remotely. Such information can assist managers in making decisions about important resources essential to life and ecological balance, including water. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the areas along water courses and in the vicinity of water springs that presented conflict with the environmental legislation in the hydrographic sub-basin of the Vacacaí-Mirim River, in the year 2020, by means of geoprocessing and remote sensing techniques. For this, a high-resolution image fusion technique was used to CBERS 04A satellite high-definition images, generating a false-color composition, where environmental conflicts were identified and quantified in the Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) of the studied water courses resources. The results showed the existence of land use conflicts in 29.23% of the Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) over the studied water courses and in 31.4% of the APP around the water springs.
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- 2022-07-06 (2)
- 2022-04-25 (1)
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