
  • Geovane Webler Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Débora Regina Roberti Departamento de Física, UNiversidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Marcelo Bortoluzzi Diaz Programa de Pós graduação em Meteorologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Claudio Alberto Teichrieb Programa de Pós graduação em Meteorologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Anderson Luiz Zwirtes Programa de Pós graduação em Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Dalvan José Reinert Departamento de Solos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria




Soil temperature. Soil heat flux. Crop residue.


The presence of crop residue on the soil surface has an impact on evaporation, water storage, soil temperature and soil heat flux. Consequently, changes the energy transfer in the soil-atmosphere system. The objective of this work is study the influence of crop residues in the soil thermal variables. It was concluded that the thermal effect of a straw layer is large, leading to surface temperature differences around 10°C. With depth increasing, the effect of straw coverage decreases, leading to a temperature difference to 4°C of 5cm depth. The most important consequence of higher temperature on bare ground is an increase of soil heat flux. In stable weather conditions, this difference can reach 29 W/m2.


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Author Biography

Geovane Webler, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Programa de Pós Graduação em Física, Física da Atmosfera e interação superfície e atmosfera.


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How to Cite

Webler, G., Roberti, D. R., Diaz, M. B., Teichrieb, C. A., Zwirtes, A. L., & Reinert, D. J. (2016). EFFECTS OF A STRAW LAYER ON THE SOIL THERMAL BEHAVIOR. Ciência E Natura, 38, 07–10. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X20381

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