Methain flux. Araguaia river. Amazon.Abstract
The aim of this study was to estimate the methane flux in an area of upland forest on the Araguaia River margin, in Santa Terezinha - MT, 15 km far from the LBA project flux measurement tower on the Bananal island - TO. For this a micrometeorological tower was installed on the river margin, with climatic variables sensors, eddy covariance and methane concentration by open optical path and closed in days of the rainy season in the region. Estimates of CH4 concentration showed good correlation between the sensors, with the highest concentrations at night and lower concentrations during the day, likely effect of differences between CLN and CLC, and averages around 1.8 ppm, near to that found in other sites upland forest. Both the river and the forest are sources of methane to the atmosphere. with a higher methane flux from river directions, being double the average of the direction from forest, but the daytime maximum of the forest direction are larger and can reach up to 30 nmol m-2 s-1.
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