Control agents. Integrated pest management. Entomopathogens. Bio-chemicals combinations. Plant Extracts.Abstract
The continuous growth of world population and the increased use of pesticides became obvious environmental problems, leading to agricultural production to develop alternative practices that promote environmental sustainability. The use of biological control techniques to reduce agricultural pests have been increasing, enabling the substitution of conventional insecticides by diversified natural enemies such as insects, viruses, fungi, bacteria, plant extracts, and others. A quantitative-descriptive analysis was carried using a questionnaire as mean to personal interview of organic growers in the city of Maringa, state of Paraná, Brazil was held. The aim was quantify about the knowledge of biological controllers by this growers, the use, and economic viability of these, aiming to promote the expansion of the practice and development of new controllers to replace or reduce the use of chemicals. The results show that all growers have the knowledge and have used alternative methods of biocontrol, some of them consider the practice of great environmental importance, but is still required further studies of the regional entomofauna to better effectiveness of the biocontrol.Downloads
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