Hydrographic basin, impacts, reservoir, remote sensing, land useAbstract
This work aimed to characterize the main uses and land cover on a time scale of ten years before and after the formation of the Peixe Angical reservoir in Tocantins. Moreover, relating the basin conservation status with slope characteristics in the study area. Satellite images were used Landsat 5 and Landsat 8, for the years 2003, 2008 and 2013 for which were applied the following procedures: registration, composition of bands RGB, supervised classification, evaluation of the classification and analysis of the obtained data. Five classes were defined: remaining vegetation, pasture, water, exposed soil and burned. The most representative was remaining vegetation, occupying 92.6% of the basin area in 2013. The class with the highest increase was water due to reservoir formation. The relief of the basin, mostly flat, is not a primary factor that explains the high degree of conservation of the basin. Other factors such as low levels of urbanization, few flow routes and poor soil nutrients, had better explain the conservation status in the measured area. However, although the basin to present highly conserved, it is necessary to evaluate larger spatial scales covering the hydrography of other basins.
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