Agrochemicals and Environment: insertion of the topic in school through as interdisciplinary approach


  • Martha Bohrer Adaime Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Marcia Palma Botega Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Osmar Damian Prestes Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Renato Zanella Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM



Agrochemicals, young multipliers, good farming practices.


The rural workers and their families are exposed to many risk situations concerning their health during the performance of their activities in the field. Human and environmental contamination by agrochemicals is far from being a simple problem, in large part due to the diversity of social, economical and cultural determinants that permeate them. Given the complexity of the topic, the main objective of this study was to capacitate young high school students, coming from families of small farmers, from the rural area of the city of Agudo-RS, to act as multipliers of knowledge on the importance of the correct use of agrochemicals and the risks they may cause to human health and the environment, highlighting the importance of the use of Good Farming Practices. An interdisciplinary approach was used with the objective of situating the students in the social and cultural environment. Considering that this study was elaborated with the purpose of training young multipliers of information, the main didactic strategies used were reading and interpretation of texts, group discussions, study of the environment, collective project and interaction with the community, which demanded the active participation of the students in the capacitating and learning processes.


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Author Biographies

Martha Bohrer Adaime, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Professora Doutora em Ciências, Professora no Programa de Pós-Graduação - Educação em Ciências e no Departamento de Química, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas – CCNE, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM

Marcia Palma Botega, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Pedagoga, Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação - Educação em Ciências, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM, Centro de Ciências naturais e Exatas – CCNE.

Osmar Damian Prestes, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Professor Doutor, Departamento de Química, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas – CCNE, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM

Renato Zanella, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Professor Doutor, Departamento de Química, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas – CCNE, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM



How to Cite

Adaime, M. B., Botega, M. P., Prestes, O. D., & Zanella, R. (2014). Agrochemicals and Environment: insertion of the topic in school through as interdisciplinary approach. Ciência E Natura, 36(2), 250–257.




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