O discurso da ciência em notícias de popularização da ciência sobre Informática
Science popularization, Manifest intertextuality, InformaticsResumo
This paper aims at presenting the analysis of the scientific discourse concerning the field of informatics in 10 science popularization news from ZH Newspaper in order to better understand how this scientific discourse is formulated in the journalistic media. The texts were analyzed from the perspective of Critical Genre Analysis. Different voices were identified in the texts, representing four communities: the media, higher education institutions, private institutions and the virtual. The most recurrent voices in the corpus are the journalists’ voice, which is represented through free indirect report and the voices of higher education and private institutions, which are represented through indirect and direct report of researchers from academia and private institutions in the field of informatics. These results unveil a canonical or modern perspective (JAPIASSÚ, 1982) of science popularization as a simplification of Science (HILGARTNER, 1990).
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