Representations about the foreigner and the interior city in Limite Branco, by Caio Fernando Abreu
Caio Fernando Abreu, Foreigner, Metropolis, Passo de GuanxumaAbstract
Limite Branco was the first novel written by Caio Fernando Abreu. In this work, a relationship is established between the change of city and the passage of time for the protagonist. The passage from childhood to adolescence is related to the move from Passo da Guanxuma to Porto Alegre. The break with the small town, associated with the abandonment of the family environment, allows the entry into another atmosphere, less naive and, allegedly, adult marked by going to the big city. Adulthood, therefore, is linked to entering the great metropolis: Rio de Janeiro, highlighting yet another phase of maturation of the protagonist. In this work, the issue of the foreigner was addressed, the one who moves from one place to another and who has difficulties adapting to the new space, and the representation that the city of Passo da Guanxuma assumes in the analyzed novel, as a small town associated with childhood.
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