The drama of uprooting and forced adaptation
The testimony of Latin American women exiled
Exile; Testimony; Latin America; Exiled women authorsAbstract
This paper discusses the literature produced by Latin American women exiled throughout the second half of the twentieth century, with emphasis on testimonies in which history, politics and memory are interwoven. This is a striking characteristic of many contemporary narratives. These authors broke a silence held for many years in order to show in which way the events could acquire new meanings through oral accounts or printed literary texts. Their ultimate purpose is to overcome the trauma caused by imprisonment, torture or exile, by an attempt to comprehend the wider meanings of the historical facts they witnessed. For this approach, the following were used: firstly, theoretical and critical texts about the phenomenon of exile, such as VIÑAR (1992), ROLLEMBERG (1999), PIZARRO (2006), and SZNAJDER, RONIGER (2009); and secondly, investigations about the political history of Latin America, such as DINGES (2005), and NEPOMUCENO (2015).
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