Nietzsche as a heretic of Schopenhauer School
Schopenhauer, Schopenhauer School, The heretics, NietzscheAbstract
According to the systematic classification of the Schopenhauer School that has now become canonical, followers of Schopenhauer who do not accept the metaphysics of the will and who independently develop other aspects of Schopenhauerian thought are considered heretics. This is precisely the case of Friedrich Nietzsche, who, although he considered Schopenhauer his “teacher and disciplinarian”, was never an uncritical Schopenhauerian. This contribution therefore aims to criticize the traditional interpretation, which sees the first Nietzsche as an orthodox Schopenhauerian and the second Nietzsche as an anti-Schopenhauerian, and to show how the three phases in which Nietzsche’s thought is articulated correspond to three different approaches to Schopenhauerian thought.
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