Schopenhauer and the hunger
Schopenhauer, Pessimism, Hunger, Poverty, SufferingAbstract
Based on Max Horkheimer's considerations regarding the critical potential of Schopenhauerian pessimism, the article aims to demonstrate to what extent the specific suffering of hunger, especially when observed in contexts of poverty, misery, and slavery in Schopenhauer's work, empirically elucidates metaphysical pessimism in the form of critical-social pessimism. To achieve this, we describe some occurrences of the terms hunger (Hunger) and poverty (Armut) in the thinker's work and subsequently problematize some of their meanings. Despite not acknowledging an active role for the State or the need for structural social changes to combat it, hunger, as a timeless social pain or suffering, gains a very specific critical perspective in Schopenhauer - in relation to other philosophical critiques. This perspective adds to various sociological, economic condemnations, etc., presenting itself as one of the most blatant expressions of the perversities and ills of a world that cannot be justified.
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