Education in Rawls' justice as fairness: a position of centrality or marginality?
John Rawls, Education, JusticeAbstract
This article aims to investigate the position that education occupies in John Rawls' theory of justice as equity. For this purpose, the main aspects related to the theme present in the following books by the author will be analyzed: A Theory of Justice, Political Liberalism and Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. The role played by education undergoes considerable changes throughout the development of these books. Firstly, Rawls is concerned with an education aimed at moral formation and its relationship with the concept of autonomy and the constitution of a sense of justice. Then, it is noted that the place occupied by education is redirected to a political and civic form, focused on the exercise of citizenship in the face of the pluralism and diversity characteristic of today's democratic societies. In this text, the main intention is to emphasize that education occupied a secondary and marginal role in all analyzed books, emphasizing that although the role of education is fundamental in promoting just societies, it is not fully recognized by the author in question. Finally, an alternative will be presented: due to the centrality of education in the constitution of just democratic societies, it must be situated at the heart of the basic structure as a social institution and as a proper requirement of justice.
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