Tyrannical dreams and a magic potion for Carmides’s head in Plato's (homonymous) dialogue
Carmides, Republic, Dreams, Tyranny, MagicAbstract
Upon learning that Carmides suffered from headaches in the morning, Socrates offers to cure the young man's illness and, searching for treatment, says that recently he had received the teaching of certain magical practices from a disciple of Zalmoxis. Possible causes for the oppression in Carmides´s head have already been suggested, such as a hangover and the intemperance itself, object of analysis of the dialogue. Our purpose in this article is to suggest the hypothesis that the disease is due to the quality of your dreams, highlighting, among some practices characterized as magical, that which aims to cure through the excursion raised by sleep. In order to corroborate our hypothesis, we will approach some passages from the Republic in which Plato, dealing with the democratical man’s transition into tyrannical, mentions the psychology of dreams.Downloads
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