The presence of literature in Schopenhauer's "arguments" about the primacy of the will over the intellect




Primacy of the will, Intellect, World literature


This short article investigates the presence of some classics of world literature in Schopenhauer's arguments and evidences about the primacy of the will over the intellect. We emphasize that in addition to having contemplated as ratifiers of his thought the natural sciences that came to light later than the elaboration of his metaphysics of will, the thinker also insisted that the central thesis of his philosophy would have sanctioned the artistic and literary production of relevant minds. The text presents a succinct summary of the main writers that the philosopher quotes in chapter 19 of volume II of The world as will and representation, precisely titled The primacy of the will in self-consciouness, to support their claims. This text does not remove the intended propaedeutic character of the article, which aims a horizontal rather than a vertical approach of wide use of literature that was did by Schopenhauer in his works.


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Author Biography

Vilmar Debona, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da UFRRJ Coordenador do GT-Schopenhauer da ANPOF


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How to Cite

Debona, V. (2016). The presence of literature in Schopenhauer’s "arguments" about the primacy of the will over the intellect. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 7(2), 111–123.

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