The management of people in cooperatives: perception of the human resources subsystem of credit cooperatives by the profile of the employees
Estratégias de gestão de pessoas, perfil dos colaboradores, cooperativas.Abstract
Considered as a competitive differential despite the technological revolution, people continue to occupy special place in the success and failure of organizations. Management strategies greatly contribute to these processes, including cooperatives. The central axis of the research, therefore, is the perception of the workers in relation to the strategies of people management applied by the credit union with respect to their indicators of organizational structure: decentralization, hierarchization and specialization. The objective of this study was to identify the credit union workers' perceptions according to their profile in relation to the strategies adopted to manage people, especially the indicators related to human resources subsystems. Thus, an investigation was carried out with 388 employees of credit cooperatives in Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina of the Sicredi, Sicoob and Unicred systems. It was concluded that the determining factors are independent of gender, age, position or cooperative system, and these perceptions are more influenced by schooling and time of performance.
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