
  • Marlus Heriberto Arns de Oliveira PUC/PR
  • José Renato Gaziero Cella IMED



The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, enacted in 1988 during the democratization process of the country after the end of an authoritarian regime preceded by several others that show a non-democratic tradition in the Brazilian Republic, remained still remnants an authoritarian Patronizing and Paternalist state, the example of the final part of the Article 5, item IV, which claims to be the free expression of thought, but forbids anonymity, prohibition which deserves to be rethought, especially on the internet, where the navigation data of people deserve protection, as well as their rights to remain anonymous, a fact which entails the need for reflection on the scope and how best to interpret the constitutional provision cited, a debate that, in the proposed article will deal think the ideas of paternalism, authoritarianism and freedom, whose focus will be about within the Internet, social networks and the Knowledge Society.


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Biografie autore

Marlus Heriberto Arns de Oliveira, PUC/PR

Doctor degree aspirant in Law at Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR; Master in Law at Catholic University of Parana - PUCPR; lawyer in Curitiba-PR,

José Renato Gaziero Cella, IMED

Doctor of Philosophy and Theory of Law at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Master in State Law at the Federal University of Parana - UFPR, Titular Professor of Juridical Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR and the Meridional Faculty - IMED

Riferimenti bibliografici

CELLA, José Renato Gaziero.Sociedade em rede e conhecimento científico: uma crítica ao método da complexidade de Edgar Morin. In: ROVER, Aires José,CARVALHO, Marisa Araújo (Org.). O sujeito do conhecimento na sociedade em rede. Florianópolis: Funjab, 2010.

FERRATER MORA, J. Dicionário de filosofia. São Paulo: Loyola, 2001.

HIMMA, Kenneth Einar. Derecho y moral: el debate entre el positivismo incluyente y el excluyente. Bogotá: Univeridad Externado de Colombia, 2015.

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MARQUES, Garcia, MARTINS, Lourenço. Direito da informática. Coimbra: Almedina, 2000.

MILL, John Stuart. Ensaio sobre a liberdade. Tradução de Rita de Cássia Gondim Neiva. São Paulo: Escala, 2007.

MILL, John Stuart. On liberty. Editer by Edward Alexander. Ontário: Broadview Literary Texts, 1999.

MILL, John Stuart. Utilitarismo. Tradução de Rita de Cássia Gondim Neiva. São Paulo: Escala, 2007.

OLIVEIRA, Júlio Maria de. Internet e competência tributária. São Paulo: Dialética, 2001.

RAWLS, John. Uma teoria da justiça.Brasília: UnB, 1981.

VALDÉS, Ernesto Garzón. Derecho, ética y política. Madrid: Centro de EstudiosConstitucionales, 1993.

VECA, SebastianoMaffettone Salvatore (Org.). A ideia de justiça de Platão a Rawls. Tradução Karina Jannini, Revisão da tradução: Denise Agostinetti. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2005.

WEBER, M. Die drei reinen Typpen der legitimem Herrschaft. In: WIRTSCHAFT UND GESELLSCHAFT, Johannes Winkelmann (Org.), 4. ed., Tubingen: J.C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1956, v. II, p. 551-558, translated by Gabriel Cohn. In: WEBER, Max. Sociologia. Coleção grandes cientistas sociais, n. 13. São Paulo: Ática, 1979.




Come citare

Oliveira, M. H. A. de, & Cella, J. R. G. (2015). THE WIKILEAKS´S CASE AND ANONYMITY: EFFECTS ON THE INFORMATION FREEDOM. Revista Eletrônica Do Curso De Direito Da UFSM, 10(1), 218–242.



Artigos científicos