Governamentality, Plataformization, Ontologic TurnAbstract
The article presented stems from a theoretical research guided by Foucauldian analytics, proposing a genealogy of the transformations that occurred in the 21st century through the emergence of digital platforms. The investigation aimed to examine the incidence of these electronic devices in the forms of interaction and communication, as well as in the access to new way of subjectivation that would result from the platforming and its ability to modulate behavior. From the research carried out, we suggest that the intensification of the use of digital platforms would have culminated in the transition from biopolitical governmentality to algorithmic governmentality, which would imply the birth of datapolitics as an effect of the digital shift. The text was organized into five sections, in addition to the introduction and final considerations: in the first part, we present an overview of the invention of the computer until its current configuration with the platform internet; in the second, Shoshana Zuboff’s diagnosis of surveillance capitalism was presented, which would massively extract data from its users in order to use it for predictive purposes, modulating human behavior; In the third, were questioned some of the notes made by the author through the analysis of Nick Srnicek on platform capitalism; in the fourth, they succeededcriticism of the ontological turn and its negligence about digital colonialism that culminated in the plataformentalization, so that in the; fifth part, it was possible to evidence the passage from biopolitics to datapolitics.
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