‘Back home’: analogies as a strategy for the development of critical thinking





House, Analogies, Consciousness, Art, Quality of life


This article assumes that the use of analogies can favor the understanding of concepts, which need to be validated in certain fields, in addition to enabling the development of critical thinking and the formulation of conclusions and symbolic arguments. For this reason, the problematization that is suggested seeks to intend possible analogies for the term “house”. It is interesting to overcome the common sense that attributes to this word the meaning only of functional space for housing and place inside. The aim was to value the term, exemplifying it as a place from inside and outside, that is, sometimes as a dwelling, sometimes as a possibility of artistic expression, sometimes as a body, and sometimes also as a common home, referring to the planet. The basic methodology involved a qualitative approach with an interdisciplinary emphasis when dialoguing with theorists from different areas: Carl G. Jung favors reflection from a psychological perspective; while others, such as Edgar Morin, understand life as a large intertwined fabric, so that - together with Marc Augé, they expand the relationship between humanity, its environment and surroundings. For their part, Salles and Ostrower base theories on creative processes, the language of art and the use of imagery to represent the symptoms expressed in man and in his environment.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Orestes Silveira, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Isabel Orestes Silveira holds a Postdoctoral degree from the Institute of Arts - São Paulo State University (IA/UNESP); PhD in Communication and Semiotics (PUC/SP). Master in Visual Arts by the Institute of Arts of (IA/UNESP). Bachelor and Degree in Pedagogy and Arts Education (UPM). He is a professor at Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Paulus College of Technology and Communication (FAPCOM). She is a researcher and leader of the Research Group: Language, society and identity - studies on the media (CNPQ).

Paula Serafim Daré , Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Graduated in Psychology from Universidade Paulista (1990), specialization in Kinesiology from Instituto Sedes Sapientiae (1995) and in Jungian Psychotherapy from the Society of Jungian Psychotherapy and Department of Psychiatry of Santa Casa de São Paulo (1994). Currently, she works as a psychologist in a private practice, assisting adolescents and adults, and as a municipal public employee, guiding and monitoring patients with diabetes and/or hypertension. Jungian analyst at the Jungian Institute of São Paulo, member of the Jungian Association of Brazil and the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) and editor of the magazine Self - magazine of the Jungian Institute of São Paulo. He has experience in Psychology, with emphasis on Clinical Psychology, working mainly on the following subjects: analytical psychology, psychology and art, psychology and housing. Master in Education, Art and Cultural History from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.


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How to Cite

Silveira, I. O., & Elisa Ricardo Serafim Daré, P. E. R. S. (2023). ‘Back home’: analogies as a strategy for the development of critical thinking. Revista Digital Do LAV, 16(1), e30/1–15. https://doi.org/10.5902/1983734875930

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