Education and Pandemic: affects of time and subjectivity in childhood
Education, Education and Pandemic, Childhood, TimeAbstract
The IMAGO Research Group (Image, Experience and Creation Laboratory) UNESP Rio Claro SP has been dedicated to the studies of childhood, time and education. Thus, the Covid 19 Pandemic, which, over 2 years, shifted education to new spaces, places and times, without, however, changing its paths and methods, has also provoked us to reflect on how this impacted on these themes. and in their interconnections. Therefore, this work goes through the idea of constitution of different childhoods and educations that walk through a non-chronological, but aionic time, in which childhood is a condition of existence and not just a stage of life. Looking at this issue has helped us to think that the fissures created by children with their ways of being, acting and thinking, break with the idea of a chronos time, an adult time, a unique childhood and a formatted education, and puts us in other, diverse paths, paths of movements, capable of giving vent to powers instead of cluttering up flows.
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