Sublimation: images in transitivity
Printing, Matrix, Sublimation, Artistical processesAbstract
The present article is about printing as an intermediate stage in artistical images elaboration processes, approaching the specificness of the sublimation printing process. It also analyses the image transitional character, made posssible by transferences created between the matrix and the printing surface in works of Lurdi Blauth, Eduardo Vieira da Cunha and Clóvis Vergara de Almeida Martins Costa.In these artists production, it is possible to detect the use of printing procedures; and the different ways of printing, as well as its implications in work steps taken for the elaboration of languages such as painting, engraving, and photography, are described. The theoretic references articulate DidiHuberman thought about printing as an anthropological paradigm that involves the matter of transmition permeated by the relations between double and similarity, and Edmund Couchot definitions regarding numerical matrix, implicating the matrix-image structure and its specificities in the pre-existing reality.Downloads
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