Arte relacional inclusiva (por uma escrita com a deficiência e com a loucura)
Artesanias do pensamento, Arte narrativa, Arte relacional inclusiva, Deficiência, LoucuraAbstract
We craft concepts while we research, in the midst of research and the lives of researchers. The concepts are part of the data produced by a teaching, research and extension project linked to a Federal University and which relates to education and health workers and users of these public services. We craft meetings with these collaborators in order to produce sensations and meanings for the ways of being, learning and narrating disability and madness. In this text there are excerpts from the Thought Crafts extracted from our archives Between the months of May 2020 and May 2021. We highlight the ambivalences and potential complexities of Between Experiences and the potential variations of the Narrative Arts. When we compose with the community, we create ways - ethical, aesthetic, political - to be, narrate and learn in the difference. The Covid-19 pandemic mobilized research into the production of an inclusive relational art, in a University that can inventory and mobilize compositions in the midst of the sanitary and social chaos we are experiencing.
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- 2022-09-06 (2)
- 2022-07-12 (1)