The edu(vo)captive power of contemporary art: challenges and possibilities


  • Lutiere Dalla Valle Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul



Education, Power edu(vo)captive, Contemporary art


This text explores the edu(vo)cative potential of the arts as a methodological strategy in the school environment. Meanwhile, we start with a shared learning experience from the exhibition "The Translucidity of the Body" inserted in a basic education school. Using interpretative methodologies, we sought to establish teaching-learning relationships in the field of visual arts on the three dimensions that constitute the edu(vo)cative approach: educational, evocative and captive. The actions were directed mainly to the primary education, investigating the relations between art, visuality, imaginary and anatomical studies, knowledge related to the body from the point of view of language and culture. As a theoretical-methodological basis, we are supported by authors who dialogue with the educational perspective of visual culture and cultural pedagogies.


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Author Biography

Lutiere Dalla Valle, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Doutorado em Artes e Educação (Doctorat Arts i Educació - Universitat de Barcelona/ES, 2012)


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How to Cite

Valle, L. D. (2019). The edu(vo)captive power of contemporary art: challenges and possibilities. Revista Digital Do LAV, 12(1), 082–094.