About learning with cinema
Cinema, Perception, Narrative, LearningAbstract
Since the first cinema session, in Paris, to the beginning of this twenty-first century, cinema has progressively been part of the complex structures of the entertainment industry, going through the fields of art and spaces of collective, everyday life. Filmmakers retell stories of different dimensions, actively reconfiguring contemporary worldviews. In this work, we intend to discuss some aspects of a so-called social pedagogy practiced by cinematographic language. To do this, we intend to overcome recurrent discussions about the relation between cinema and education, which usually favor the idea of cinema as a pedagogic resource to be adopted among other teaching strategies of school subjects. In this sense, an instance that goes through daily life, including schools and going far beyond them, is found in the film narratives. The question guiding these issues is "What have we been learning with the cinema?" Thus, cinema is considered as social practice, taking into account the perspectives of filmmakers as well as those who appropriate their stories.Downloads
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