Colombian school and education in the contexto of the post-pandemic. A critical pedagogical proposal
Education, Post-pandemic, Critical pedagogyAbstract
The new dynamics caused by the global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 radicalized the failures of the Colombian educational system. So, this article reflects around the question: How to think critically about school and education in a postpandemic context? Methodologically, the search for texts in various databases was carried out, then a Documental Content Analysis was done. In this way, the issue is addressed from three scenarios. First, the schoolwork before the pandemic (anachronisms, enclaustration, decontextualization and technification-standardization) is shown. Second, the realities revealed by Covid 19 (the great social inequalities) and the lessons learned (la escuela no quiso cambiar). Thirdly, some proposals are presented in relation to post-pandemic education (humanization of the pedagogical act, contextualization of the school, implementation of critical Latin American pedagogies and change of content). It is concluded that other pedagogies and schools, utopian and hidden before the pandemic, are today necessary and irreversible.
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