Impacts of quarantine and / or social isolation on the routine of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and their families during the Covid-19
COVID-19 Pandemic, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech TherapyAbstract
During the COVID-19 pandemic, families around the world were faced with major impacts in relation to social interaction and new hygienic, family, therapeutic and professional habits, in addition to others that are present in their routines. Specifically, families responsible for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), individuals who need extra support for their development and interaction. The objective of this research was to analyze parental perceptions about the impacts of quarantine and/or social isolation on the routine of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Family members of 30 children of both genders participated in this study, ranging in age from 2 to 9 years and 11 months of age, who received a multidisciplinary diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, according to DSM-5 criteria. For data collection, the Informed Consent Form, the DASS-21 Questionnaire together with its preform, and the Tracking Questionnaire for Research on the Impacts of Quarantine and/or Social Isolation on the Routine of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder were used. , and their families during the Covid-19 pandemic, a questionnaire designed especially for this research. Results: After statistical analysis of the data from the applied protocols, a negative impact on the present results was observed according to the parents' perception. Conclusion: Therefore, it is concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic, according to parents' perception, had negative impacts on the routine of children with ASD and their respective families, caused mainly by social isolation and its consequences.
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