The Biology Pedagogical Residency at a Northeastern Federal University: contributions to initial training and relations with undergraduate programmes
Teacher training, Pedagogical residency, Teaching expertiseAbstract
The work presented here is an exploratory study of the first cohort of the Biology Pedagogical Residency Programme (PRP) at a Federal University in the North-East of Brazil. The aim of the study was to analyse how the programme in the Biology course at this Higher Education Institution (HEI) can contribute to and relate to undergraduates' initial training. The data collection method used was a questionnaire with 16 of the 20 residents who were part of the group at the time of collection, followed by focus groups grouping the residents between the schools they worked in. Textual Discourse Analysis (TDA) was used to analyse the data, which resulted in the formation of two final categories: one dealing with the importance of relationships with the preceptor, supervisor and management team, and the second on how subjects and other experiences during the undergraduate course help in the teacher training process. In conclusion, despite the difficulties encountered, the IES Biology PRP has been consolidated as something positive, but it alone cannot constitute teacher training, and there is a need for integration with other formative curriculums.
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