The youth and adult education modality in focus: school practices of literacy and the teacher’s formation process


  • Karina Klinke
  • Helenise Sangoi Antunes


School Practices, Teachers Formation, Young people and adults education.


This essay presents some reflections about continued teachers formation in relation to EJA’s literacy process, as also about the practices of this teaching modality, through the analysis of some related experiences in publics schools of Santa Maria city, from research and extend projects developed by the Group of Studies and Researches Initial and Continued Formation and Literacy Process (GEPFICA) also by the group of Studies and Researches Reading, Writing and Literarture: history, politics and teaching process (GEPLEL), during 2005-2006 period. For this composition, the groups analysed some dialogues among teachers in continued formation, which work straight with this modality in both of the teaching systems. This analysis was building in the sociological field, and it developed some perspectives of cultural arbitrary and social capital found in Pierre Bordieu works, as well as in writers like Nóvoa (1992), Esteves and Rodrigues (1993), Santos (1995), Moita (1995), Behrens (1996), Tardif (2000;2002), Antunes (2001) e Soares (2003) all of this works present reflections about some possibilities for teachers formation related to school literacy practices for young people and adults in order to mitigate the social exclusion of these subjects.



How to Cite

Klinke, K., & Antunes, H. S. (2008). The youth and adult education modality in focus: school practices of literacy and the teacher’s formation process. Education, 33(3), 441–456. Retrieved from



Dossier: Youth and Adult Education (YAE)