Neuroscience and education: approach to memory and emotions in the learning process
Education, Neuroscience, Memory, EmotionAbstract
This theoretical essay deals with an analysis of the literature on the subject: neuroscience and education, from an approach on memory and emotions. With this, the objective of this study is to dialogue with theoretical neuroscience references to understand the processes involved in the connection between emotion and memory in the learning process. To this end, a qualitative research with an analytical approach is presented as a methodological approach in the light of the authors MacLean (1990); War (2011); Carvalho (2011); Grasses (2012); Fonseca (2016); Lent (2001, 2017), among others. As a result, the studies revealed that I) the condition of emotional fragility of students can be aggravated in school contexts that do not recognize the existing connection between emotion and memory, and II) consequently, this can severely affect one of the main components of this connection: attention. Because of that, also reveal that students in environments of emotional pressure have difficulties in retaining content information in memory and, therefore, blocking the learning process. Therefore, it is considered that the intentional promotion of positive emotional states is important to make the environment more favorable to creativity and flexibility and thus favor the activation of cognitive memories.
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