Conception of alphabetization and literacy of the readers of Letra A – o jornal do alfabetizador
Written language, Alphabetization and literacy, Teacher trainingAbstract
The present article intends to comprehend the concepts of alphabetization and literacy of the teachers readers of Letra A – o jornal do alfabetizador. This journal - organized by the Center of Alphabetization, Reading and Writing (Ceale) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) - aims to disseminate studies and research results developed in the field of teaching of the written language, especially involving the concepts of alphabetization and literacy, to contribute to the continued training teachers. When considering this peculiarity, it was chosen to apprehend how its readers conceive the concepts of alphabetization and literacy, envisioning the learning of written language by children. To understand the process of teaching and learning the written language, as well as the relationship between the processes of the alphabetization and literacy it was applied the Historical-Cultural Theory conjectures and the studies and research results published by Soares. It was also necessary, beforehand, to develop a survey with the readers of Letra A, using the periodical itself and social media to find the readers. This activity resulted in finding a total of ten readers, all of them are school teachers, with whom semi-structured interviews were carried out. From the reports of these teachers, it was verified that these professionals have expressive theoretical training, and that after reading the periodical articles, they were able to appropriate and resignify its contents throughout their pedagogical practices. This attests to the relevance of Letra A to the strengthening of teaching action and the expressive training of these teachers who precisely defined the mentioned concepts.
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