policies for basic education in brazil in times of democratic setbacks: the deconstruction of the agenda in jair bolsonaro’s government
Basic Education, Neoliberalism, Democratic SetbacksAbstract
The present study aims to analyze the educational actions/policies currently implemented. A brief historical review is initially presented starting from the 2016 coup d’état which culminated in the impeachment process of President Dilma Vana Roussef (2011-2016), followed by the initiatives of Michel Temer’s government and the proposed and implemented actions during the government of Jair Messias Bolsonaro. The following questions are our starting point: which educational projects were implemented for basic education from 2019 onwards? What is the relationship between these proposals and the modus operandi of neoliberalism in the current context? It is a bibliographic research based on analyses of documents and reports from sites on the main facts involving the theme and above all, Jair Bolsonaro’s government. We start from the assumption that in relation to education, these governments started a deconstruction process of educational policies implemented by the current Federal Constitution of 1988.
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