At the rhythm of COVID-19: between childhood policies and pedagogical practices in the pandemic. What perspectives about children’s rights?




Children Rights in the pandemic; Conceptions and pedagogical practices; Early Childhood Education


From Social Studies of Childhood and Sociology of Education, the official sanitary-educational guidelines and the pedagogical practices privileged by Portuguese educators are considered to understand to what and which children's rights were guaranteed and/or threatened during the arrhythmias generated by COVID-19 in Early Childhood Education (ECE). Supported by qualitative methodologies of collection and analysis of official measures/recommendations for ECE (March 2020 to June 2021) and interviews with educators from different institutions, contexts, and pathways (public and private kindergartens; urban and rural; time in the profession), we aim to identify and analyse: i) what rights were officially guaranteed to children and their education; ii) the (re)interpretations of those measures/recommendations, main educational concerns and facilities/difficulties in the pedagogical recontextualization assumed. In the diversity of (re)interpretations and pedagogical practices, and their (mis)alignment with policies, emphasis is placed on learning content; the interference of socio-structural and contextual factors in the fulfilment of children's rights and the limited knowledge of those rights by educators, considering the need and urgency of its wide dissemination in ECE.

Author Biographies

Maria Manuela Matinho Ferreira, University of Porto

Universidade do Porto - Portugal

Catarina Tomás, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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How to Cite

Ferreira, M. M. M., & Tomás, C. . (2023). At the rhythm of COVID-19: between childhood policies and pedagogical practices in the pandemic. What perspectives about children’s rights?. Education, 48(1), e27/1–26.