I bless in marafo: Fundamentals of Education, Pedagogies and Cultures in terraces in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul
Education, Terraces, Cultural pedagogiesAbstract
Blessing oneself in the marafo implies agreeing with religious dynamics, moreover, that we are aware of the ritualistic sequences that Will involve our bodies and produce subjectivities. The text that follows is the result of semi-structured interviews with seven leaders of terraces in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The objective is to describe the collaborators' understanding of the concepts of Education, Pedagogies and Cultures, as elements involved in the oral tradition, understood as na essential educational practice for questioning the educational dynamics of the sacred. The text is organized into three sub-items: Establishing knowledge (the fundamentals); Pedagogies: disciplinary tools for educating-teaching (Education technology); and Cultures: contexts that provide opportunities for different readings of Education (inseparability of the three concepts). These concepts (Education, Pedagogies and Cultures) point out, respectively: the broader principle of what we know, we Will teach and learning strategies used. The second guided by the dialogical práxis of knowing how to be and take care of oneself. And, the third, instituted by the range of knowledge tha twill base each choice, attitude, preparation and execution of educational practices. It is in the interaction of these three that we Will understand the pedagogization processes that forge us and that Will always involve relations of Power and knowledge, which are not connected only by ideological intricacies, since knowledge is subordinated to the webs of power, conceptual theoretical fields and strategies didactic-pedagogical. Knowledge will always be the result of a cultural complex, which may be pedagogized by different biases, consisting of lines of force that will dispute which should enter the discursive order and which not.
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