Pedagogical bullying as an expression of authoritarianism in the classroom
Authoritarianism, Moral Harassment, ClassroomAbstract
Pedagogical moral harassment is a complex phenomenon of teaching relations. This research defines it and characterizes it as an expression of authoritarian practices in the classroom and presents the perceptions of students in the engineering area of a public higher education institution in Bahia. This is a qualitative, exploratory research, which used the semi-structured individual interview and the application of questionnaires as techniques for data collection. 280 students from different engineering courses participated in the survey. To analyze the content of the interviews, we used the Discourse of the Collective Subject - DCS method. The study identified the perceptions of students regarding the practice of pedagogical moral harassment by teachers and its consequences in their lives. As a result, it was found that pedagogical moral harassment affects physical, emotional and social health, as well as compromises the general conditions of the body and the metabolism of students, including harming the emotional quality of life, psychological, cognitive and the ability to relate to other people.
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