Making visible the invisible through the literary discourse: the example of El espejo y la ventana (1967)




Ecuador, Afro-ecuadorian, Literature, Identitiy, Miscegenation, Adalberto Ortiz


For academia and critics, Adalberto Ortiz (1914-2003) contributed to “make the invisible visible”, i.e. to make visible the Afro component in Ecuadorian society, which, historically, in the process of building a national imaginary, have been hidden by the indigenous component, above all because during the 20th century when the indigenous movement and the so-called ideology of mestizaje cultural (cultural cross-breeding) were imposed. However, the novel El espejo y la ventana, written between 1954 and 1956 and published in 1967, differs from the novel to which Adalberto Ortiz owed his fame as a Negro writer, Juyungo (1942). Indeed, far from narrating the virile struggle of a black protagonist proud of his African background, El espejo y la ventana relate the story of a young mulato, Mauro, who seeks anguishedly his identity, described as a series of failures. He finally discovers that he is nothing more than a "tentenelaire". This paper will analyze how the narrative creates and unfolds the figure of the “tentenelaire”. He is neither black nor white -away from the Afro-Ecuadorian cultural universe, with which he cannot identify- and despised by an elite that defines itself by its white component. He never manages to take root and remains in suspense, "in the air". It will be observed how and to what extent the figure of the “tentenelaire” allows the author to explore the “cross-breeding” from an Afro-descendant perspective, seeking to give this part of a population a greater visibility, through the literary and linguistic domains.

Author Biographies

David Macias Barres, Université de Lyon (UJML3) - CEL (EA 1663)

David Macías Barrés is lecturer of Hispanic Linguistics at Université de Lyon, more precisely at Université Lyon 3 (Jean Moulin). He is the coordinator of the linguistic branch of the Research Center for Ecuadorian Studies at Université Paris Nanterre and member of the Research Center for Linguistic Studies at Université Lyon 3. His research focuses on the interaction of two fields, formal linguistics and applied linguistics. For the Center of Ecuadorian Studies, he works on discourse analysis applied to societies and to literature in Ecuador. He analyses how the discourse is used –by the State and/or by certain local communities, on different kinds of support– in order to present and construct the national and local identity, especially the linguistic identity.

Emmanuelle Sinardet, Université Paris Nanterre – Centre d’études équatoriennes, CRIIA (UR Etudes romanes - EA 369)

Emmanuelle Sinardet is professor for Latin American studies in University Paris Nanterre where she teaches Latin American economic, political and cultural history. Since 2007, she has been in charge of the Centre d'Études Équatoriennes in the Centre de Recherches Ibériques et Ibéro-américaines (CRIIA) and the Unité de Recherche (UR) Etudes Romanes, a research group that has extensive experience in studies related to literature, culture, language and didactics of Spanish language. She is a recognized expert on Hispanic studies and her research focuses on nation-building, nationalism, cultural policies in the 19th and 20th centuries, in Latin America and in the Philippines


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How to Cite

Barres, D. M., & Sinardet, E. (2022). Making visible the invisible through the literary discourse: the example of El espejo y la ventana (1967). Education, 47(1), e113/1–25.



Dossiê: Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais e a Améfrica Ladina