Theories of Education and Epistemology: the theoretical issue in the academic space
Theories of Education, Epistemology, Academic SpaceAbstract
The work is part of the discourses on Pedagogy, Curriculum, Teacher Training, Philosophy of Education and the current challenges of Undergraduate Courses. The general objective is to analyze the nature of debates around Brazilian pedagogical thinking about the relationship between Theories of Education and Epistemology since the 1970s. Specifically, to discuss aspects related to the Epistemological Approach of Theories of Education in Brazil. Finally, propose a debate between the trends discussed in recent years. They are, first, the idea that there is a proper epistemology of Education; second, the view that the greatness of Education lies precisely in the absence of specificity; and, third, the one that weaves reflections in favor of a possible epistemic object of Education. In light of these interests, we ask: in what sense is it possible to think about Education and the theoretical question itself in the Brazilian academic space? In methodological terms, we propose a bibliographic research with a qualitative-exploratory approach (MINAYO, 1999). It seeks to investigate the bases of pedagogical reflection from a hermeneutic-ontological analysis (CORETH, 1973), when it turns to the interpretive treatment of information and theoretical contributions, as they aim to unveil the structures of the development of the existence of the human being and establish an intimate relationship between the research subject and his research. Regarding the research findings, we saw that its implications indicate how urgent it is to delineate the paths of pedagogical theorizing in order to strengthen the process of construction of meaning in and of Education, when it seeks to humanize men, in their training processes and spaces.
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