Representations of retired teachers: images, speeches and meanings for reading
Reading, Reading representations, Retired teachersAbstract
In contemporary societies, the reading takes a role of great centrality, present in the most diverse daily activities. Thus, this article has as object of studying the reading of teachers. The objective is to analyze reading representations of retired professors, seeking to understand the constitution of its reading practices and their implicit beliefs. Qualitative research was carried out and a questionnaire was applied to 55 teachers aged over 60 years old and who have already retired. As a literature review, we used the studies by Chartier (1998, 1999, 2007); Batista and Galvão (1999); Britto (1998); Corsino (2010); Moscovici (2015), Guareschi e Jovchelovitch (1995), among others.It was found that the representations were anchored in three categories of senses: instrument for interaction, tool for the formation of the individual, possibility of enjoyment and entertainment. In these representations, the book and the screen are images that have emerged, and the reading takes on a value character in all discourses of the participants.
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