From the MST to the Peasant Union of Ermera (Timor-Leste): reflections about the popular peasant university
Popular University, Popular Education, PeasantryAbstract
After years of invasion provided by Portugal and Indonesia, Timor-Leste conquers the restoration of its independence in 2002, being considered the first democracy to establish itself as such in the 21st century. After this restoration, in contrast to centuries of oppression that manifested themselves through banking education, as well as by the concentration of land exercised by the invading forces, the idea of forming the social movement Peasant Union of Ermera (UNAER) arises, as well as the idea of creating a peasant popular university, based on the real needs of those rural families. Thus, the present reflection/experience aims to externalize the peasant popular university of Timor-Leste, entitled Fulidaidai-Slulu Institute of Economics (IEFS), under the influence of the Ladless Workers Movement (MST) and, more specifically, of the Florestan Fernandes National School. Methodologically, the starting point is reflections on the idealization of ENFF. Then, based on experiences of participant/activist research in the curriculum construction of the IEFS, together with the use of small fragments of semi-structured interviews conducted with UNAER members and partners, the IEFS will be presented, bringing the influence of ENFF. Finally, as a result of this influence, the construction of the IEFS curriculum will be presented, considering it as a popular peasant university.
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