The view on the past tense, the distraction of the present tense and the uncertainties of the horizon: the Sociology textbooks discourse on changing social structure
Teaching of Sociology, Social change, TextbookAbstract
This article analyzes the discourse of Sociology textbooks on the possibilities and alternatives for overcoming the current social structure. The investigation took place in the light of the Discourse Analysis of Pecheutian affiliation, in line with Georg Lukács' theoretical contributions about ideology. Throughout the text, it is demonstrated that, although the Sociology textbooks of the 2015 National Textbook Program (PNLD) materialize different and sometimes even contradictory discourses about social change, it is predominant the effects of meanings linked at reformist discourse, based on social democratic ideology. Finally, it is concluded that, mostly, the discourse on social change materialized in Sociology textbooks offer young Brazilian students a contact with possibilities and societal alternatives limited to improvement of the current social order.
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