Integral training, Technical High School, Agricultural experimentAbstract
Considering the purpose of integral training proposed in the Institutional Pedagogical Project of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul and aiming at the construction of a teaching praxis consistent with this document and with the Pedagogical Project of the Integrated Technical Course in High School in Viticulture and Oenology, in the curricular component Improvement Varieties and Rootstocks, a pedagogical experience was presented with the objective of developing theoretical reflections on actions that may present the potential to provide comprehensive training to students. Thus, as part of the teaching process of this curricular component, an experience was developed in phases: student introduction to the pedagogical experiment; theoretical research developed by the students; agricultural research experiment in the field; writing of a scientific article, also by the students; and reflections in a focus group. As a result, it was found that the experience allowed students to reflect on the possibilities and results of integrative educational practices, in particular, contibuted to build a diverse reading of the world. It is concluded that integrative experiences have the potential to provide the opportunity for dialogue between Science, Technology and Society, in order to constitute themselves as a tool for the integral training of students, and together, be used to promote transformation in the society.
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