Jung, Hillman and education: for other logics in teacher training
Aesthetic teacher training, Child archetype, Feeling functionAbstract
As a relational profession, teaching calls for broadening the gaze and listening to suspect dimensions beyond the boundaries demarcated by the one-sidedness of the thinking function. What training could contribute to opening passages across these borders? This paper focuses on teacher training based on data from two studies that, developed with different authors and times, favored the encounter with teachers in exercise and/or in initial training, mediated by artistic-expressive languages, proposing and discussing perspectives of aesthetics education. A thread that runs through both researches is the Jungian concept of the archetype of the child and, with it, the core of the discussion proposed for the article is woven, aiming to present Carl Gustav Jung and James Hillman’s contributions to education and, above all, to teacher training. Welcoming the theory of archetypes, making visible the symbolic child that inhabits the individual, highlighting the feeling function, contents present in the theory of the referred authors, made it possible to reflect on and envisage the necessary (re)signification of the training journey and reaffirm: it is necessary to open space to other logics, in order to bring conscious and unconscious closer together, cultivate and aggregate other forces that influence human action, integrate thinking and sensitivity, poetry and scientific knowledge.
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