Continuing education of higher education teachers at IFTM, in the city of Uberaba (MG) - “model” of transformation




College education, Teacher Education, Teacher transformation “model”


This article reflects on teachers who work in higher education at IFTM, in the city of Uberaba - MG, and from there, highlights some dilemmas of the teaching profession that justify the construction of a “model” of continuous teacher transformation. The model proposal is based on current educational policies, scientific knowledge in the area and an empirical investigation. The choice of higher education was due to the fact that it is a recent reality at IFTM and, therefore, presents challenges that are requiring studies and analysis. The research had the dialectical historical materialist method as its theoretical reference. However, the authors sought to contribute with other approaches to facilitate the understanding of the analyzed context full of contradictions. Although the proposal for the creation of Federal Institutes, according to Pacheco (2011), occurred in the perspective of historical dialectical materialism, the institution's strong technical tradition makes the proposal part of a context of contradictions linked to neoliberal and economic expectations. Reflecting on these contradictions makes it possible to understand the context in a different perspective from the usual in the institution. Empirical analysis refers to a context that, when known, reveals its organizational characteristics, the subjects who work there and the organizational culture. It is concluded that reflecting on the function of promoting the development of higher mental activities responsible for the humanization process of man and the specific purpose of school education is inherent to the “model’ of teacher transformation.

Author Biographies

Elisabete Ferreira Borges, Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

Atua na Coordenação Geral de Pós-graduação da Pró-reitoria de P-os-graduação, Pesquisa e Inovação do IFTM.

Welisson Marques, Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

Coordenador do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Tecnológica no IFTM.


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How to Cite

Borges, E. F., & Marques, W. (2022). Continuing education of higher education teachers at IFTM, in the city of Uberaba (MG) - “model” of transformation. Education, 47(1), e02/ 1–35.